Please Note: If there is any dishes that you like or have in mind that is not listed on this list please let us know and we can perhaps be able to get it and prepare it for you and in a way you desire. If you have any food allergies, vegetarian, gluten, Dairy please let us know before ordering. Not all ingredients are listed on the descriptions. Some of the dishes can be made vegetarian, gluten, dairy free, vegan. Bread, Cheese, Zucchini Set Up will not be included with any of the order There will be a 3.5% non-cash adjustment added to all transactions made via debit or credit card.

Keep in mind that some of the Proteins, Ingredients may not be available upon ordering, or it may take some time to get it, so please we ask that you give us at least a week notice before ordering as sometimes certain proteins or ingredients may not be available when ordering. Thank you.

Grappa Catering Menu

Grappa Catering Menu
Grappa Catering Menu
Grappa Catering Menu
Grappa Catering Menu